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Category: Minutes

Troop Meeting 7/7

Troop and PLC meeting 7/7 and 7/9-

We had a Troop meeting this week. Our skills instruction for the month is science. If you can, please attend the troop meetings on zoom, on Tuesday nights. Patrol leaders will reach out to their patrols for people to help during the troop meeting.

At PLC we discussed in person meetings, and at this time, we will continue only doing zoom meetings on Tuesdays. We discussed ways to do rank requirements in zoom during the troop meetings. Details will be coming soon. We discussed possibilities for fall outings.

PLC meeting 6/26/20

PLC meeting notes from 6/26:

This PLC was the 1st new patrol leaders meeting. At the next troop meeting we will be finishing up the sustainability skills instruction. If you are interested in virtual merit badges see Mrs. Rabon’s posts. Please sign up ASAP for Camp Durant if you are interested. We also discussed next year’s summer camp options.

PLC Meeting 6/4/2020


PLC meeting 6/4/2020

  1. Election forms are due on 6/10. Please see my post from last week for details on what to do. (5/29)
  2. We are going to start doing full troop meetings for all the patrols on 6/16 at 7:00 pm.
  3. We discussed fun ideas to do over the summer.
  4. There could possibly be a crime prevention merit badge in August on zoom.
  5. We discussed interest about the weekend at Camp Durant.
  6. Everyone please look at Band regularly to keep up with important updates.

Troop Meeting 2/25/20

This troop meeting Mr. Stark introduced to our new form of troop communication, called Band. We all get hooked up into Band, which is now replacing Troop News. All scouts and parents need to be invited by a leader to get into the Band app. So, if you weren’t there please go see one of the leaders at the next meeting.

Troop Meeting 2/18/20

The Webloes crossed over tonight and are now members of our troop. Please congratulate them 4. PLEASE COME TO NEXT TUESDAYS MEETING. We are having Mr. Stark come in and help us join our new form of communication, Band.


Matthew R

Troop Meeting 2/11/20

We had a great meeting. We had the O.A elections this meeting. Please congratulate Adam and Alex A for being elected in the O.A.

The following are the patrols and responsibilities for the February Outing:

Atomic Bombagranites and Raging Bulls.

Charging Bison, Ruffled Furballs, and Dinosaur Train.

Chaplians aid- Alex Y


SPL- Thomas H

Quartermaster- Jack J

The Engineering merit badge will be 07-Mar, please contact Mrs. Rabon to sign up for the Merit Badges.

The Disability Awareness Merit Badge program has been rescheduled to 02-May 

Troop Meeting 2/4/20

We had a good meeting! The following are the patrols and responsibilities for the February Outing:

Atomic Bombagranites and Raging Bulls.

Charging Bison, Ruffled Furballs, and Dinosaur Train.

Chaplians aid- Alex Y


SPL- Thomas H

Quartermaster- Jack J

February 11th, (next meeting) is O.A elections. WE NEED 50% OF THE TROOP TO SHOW UP. The Engineering Merit Badge is March 7th, and the Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge has been moved to March 7th. See Mr. Prichard’s email for more information.

Matthew R Scribe

Troop meeting 1/28/20

We had a great Court of Honor. On Saturday Febuary 1st, there will be a hammock camping certification class. If you want to be able to hammock camp, you will need to attend this class. It is from 9:00-1200 at forest ridge park. Sign up with Mrs. R. The Engineering merit badge will be held at Saint Catherine’s on March 7th from 9:00 to 12:00. On April 4th there will be a Disabilities Awareness merit badge at Saint Catherine’s from 9:00-12:00.

Troop Meeting 1/21/20

We had a great meeting. On Saturday Febuary 1st, there will be a hammock camping certification class. If you want to be able to hammock camp, you will need to attend this class. It is from 9:00-1200 at forest ridge park. Sign up with Mrs. R.

The court of honor is NEXT MEETING, January 28th. You need to wear your sash and you can invite your family. We need you to bring food from whatever category your patrol name is listed under-

Dessert- Charging Bison and Dinosaur Train

Drinks- Atomic Bombagranites

Fruit or Veggies- American Phoenix 

Chips- Ruffled Furballs and Raging Bulls

Paper products- Troop will provide 

Troop Meeting 1/14/20

We had a great meeting tonight with two rank advancements!

Announcements- There will be a troop hike for the backpacking trip, so we can get ready. This is at the wake forest reservoir at 10:15. Please be on time. Everyone invited.
O.A elections will be on 2/11. WE NEED 50% OF THE TROOP TO COME, so please try to be there! Everyone can vote.

Keep your camping log on scoutbook updated so you are eligibly for things like OA.

The court of honor is on 1/28 and you can invite your family. There will be an email coming out about this for sign-ups to bring food. All blue cards need to be handed in to Mrs. Rabon by 1/21 for credit at court of honor.

The food for the C.O.A is the following Drinks- Atomic Bombagranites. Fruit/Veggie- American Phoenix. Desserts- Charging Bison and Dinosaur Train. Chips/Crackers-Ruffled Furballs and Raging Bulls

Happy New Year,

Matthew R

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