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Troop picnic 6/9/18

We played games , we ate good food, and fun was had by all. Thanks to Mr. Mote and all of the leaders and adults, we had a great time and good food. The ones that couldn’t come missed a really fun troop picnic.

Spring Inductions of May 18-20, 2018

Congratulations to all of new Order of the Arrow Members who completed their ordeal this weekend at Spring Inductions 2018!

Troop meeting 5/1/18

May outing coming up
OA ordeal weekend coming up in May
June Picnic : family invited
July is summer camp at camp Daniel Boone
September is a hammocking outing
Pray for Kathy Howard and her family

Troop 511 meeting 4/24/2018

Mystery Outing in May
OA Candidates: Spring Inductions May 18-20
Prayers out for Ethan Howard’s Mom with a bad form of breast cancer.Pray for her as she recovers from the surgery as well as chemotherapy.
Please sign up on the sign up genius for
taking the Howard family meals for different days.
Please pray for John Price’s father as he has had a stroke early this Wednesday morning (4/25/18).

Troop 511 meeting 4/11/2018

Turn in your forms to shoot for the shooting outing on Friday.

PlC planning:

August Campout:

1st choice: Aquatics weekend

If not Aquatics weekend then

2nd choice: camping merit badge weekend

If not camping merit badge weekend then

3rd choice: Backpacking Campout

Mystery outing in May.

Shooting outing this weekend. Don’t forget!


Troop meeting 11/7/2017

There is the Weblos Overnighter this weekend if you are going!

Also sign up for the December outing at Camp Campbell where there will be specialized first aid training. It will be 65 degrees and sunny that weekend so consider going for a fun experience!

Troop Meeting 10/24/17

Meeting Notes:

Sign up for the Haunted House that is on Saturday October 28th.

November outing is the second weekend of November. This is the weblos outing so if you show up to the outing you can make a positive impact on their experience!

Troop Meeting 10/17/2017

The troop is preparing for the November outing which is our Webelos Overnighter. We will be hosting Webelos from Pack 511 and others from around the area. All scouts are reminded that this is a great opportunity to show how great our troop is and what we can offer the incoming scouts.

Webelos scouts will be joining us over the next couple of weeks to help prepare and learn about the troop. Show up and show that great scout spirit to convince them this is where they should be to walk the path of Eagle Scouts.

All scouts are encouraged to sign up for the outing on the troop calendar for the November outing.

Popcorn forms and money need to be handed in at the next meeting 10/24.

Troop Meeting 12/6/2016

The December outing is this weekend, please remember we will be back by Saturday night at 8pm. All meals are provided and we are staying in cabins with no heat. Pack like you would for a normal freezing camp-out.

The 511 White Elephant Gift Exchange (Extravaganza) is December 20th, the minimum value for presents you bring is 8 USD. ($8)

Troop Meeting Minutes – 11/29/2016

Important Dates:
December LT Weekend Registration Closing – December 2nd (passed)
December Leadership Training Weekend – December 9th to 11th
Outing Registration Signup (click)
All scouts are encouraged to sing up for the December outing, the more that sign up, the better an outing and experience our troop can have. Read below for more information.
511 White Elephant Gift Exchange (Extravaganza) – December 20th
Gifts brought in must be at least $5 (I think) in value. If you don’t give, you won’t receive.

Order of the Arrow Members:
Chapter Meeting, December 1st (passed)
Address and Time Information (click)
Winter Banquet, December 3rd (passed)


What is the “December 2016 – Scout Leadership Training Weekend”?
“For more than a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun.”
The December 2016 – Scout Leadership Training Weekend is a three day and two night experience at Camp Durant where Boy Scouts will participate in leadership classes, cook amazing food, and participate in other camp & game activities.  New scouts are especially encouraged to participate this weekend if they have interest in holding a Leadership position within the Troop (scribe, senior patrol leader, patrol leader, guide, etc.) as it will greatly help them in executing their responsibilities in these roles. If this sounds like you, make sure to sign up for the December Weekend Outing by visiting this link. The outing cost is $20 per scout, payable via Check or Scout Account. More information (date, time, location) can be found by visiting the link.

Who is this outing designed for?
Your scout. The Youth Leadership-type Program being offered this weekend (9th to 11th) is designed to be a fun and educational experience for any scout. Leadership qualities are essential for any scout that wishes to advance themselves and others throughout their life, become a responsible citizen, and make an above-average impact on the world. If you would like to be the next George Washington, this outing will help  you achieve your dreams. You can sign up here: Click HERE To Sign Up

Should my scout participate?
Yes. This outing is designed for any Boy Scout that is interested in knowing what it takes to be an effective and responsible leader, while also having fun like on any other camp-out. If you are, or are the parent of a first year scout, or a 17-about-to-age-out scout, this outing is for you/them. You can sign them up here: Alternate Link to Sign Up Your Scout

Where can I sign my scout up?

I’m so glad you’ve asked, you’re making the right choice in signing up your scout. You can click this blue link right HERE to sign up. More information (date, time, location) can be found by visiting the link.

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