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Troop Meeting 11/15/2016

Normal Troop meeting, scouts need to pick up their popcorn.

Next Week the troop will be changing the Missals at the church, to help out be there by 6:15pm, 11/22.

Troop Meeting 11/8/2016

First meeting back from our November outing.

Scouts need to remember to bring in their tents from home after airing them out and getting them cleaned.


During the meeting scouts participated in games outside, skills instruction, and review of the past camp-out.

Troop Meeting – 10/18/16

The troop held its second meeting for the Disabilities Awareness merit badge.

After presentations, scouts played games in the gym.


Popcorn order forms must be turned in by 10/25/2016. Make sure you have a copy of your own before handing it in.

Troop Meeting 10/11/2016

Scouts participated in the Disabilities Awareness merit badge class, the second portion will be at the next meeting, 10/18/2016.

Scouts should be working on completing requirements 5c and planning on 6 for next week.

5c: “Learn about myths and misconceptions that influence the general public’s understanding of people with disabilities. List 10 myths and misconceptions about people with disabilities and learn the facts about each myth

6: “Make a commitment to your merit badge counselor describing what you will do to show a positive attitude about people with disabilities and to encourage positive attitudes among others. Discuss how your awareness has changed as a result of what you have learned.



Troop Meeting 10/4/2016

The troop played Captain on Deck.

Next two weeks we will be doing the Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge.

Elections are run twice a year.  When signups are active an email will be sent through troopnews.  Interested in helping out? Signup to help run the troop!

All positions, need to be filled:

  • Senior Patrol Leader (Any Previous ASPL can run),
  • Assistant Senior Patrol Leader,
  • Troop Guide
  • Quartermaster
  • Den Chief
  • Bugler
  • Chaplains Aid

Please signup and help us be the best Boy Lead, Boy Run Troop in the area. Sign up here.

We hold weekly meetings on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the St. Catherine’s gymnasium.

Troop Communication with Band

Download the Band App from your App Store, and the Band homepage can be found here for reference.  Band App

Troopnews email was discontinued in 2020.
Once connected to Band, you may unsubscribe to Troopnews here.

About Us

Troop 511 is located in Wake Forest, NC.  Our chartering organization is St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Wake Forest, NC. The troop was founded in 2003 and has been a real success due to fine leadership and parental involvement. Today we have about 55 scouts, 15 adult leaders and 24 Eagle Scouts.  We meet on a weekly basis with the exception of holiday breaks. Meetings are held on Tuesday from 7:00 – 8:30 and PLC meetings from 6:00 – 7:00 on the first Tuesday of every month.

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